
Lifespan: c.1973/74-1989 (15 years)

Length: 2km

Northern Terminus: Pacific Hwy & Jersey St North, Asquith

Southern Terminus: Pacific Hwy & George St, Hornsby

Route taken: George St, Bridge Rd, Jersey St North

I did not know this route had existed until recently when I was sent the below photo of an AD sign showing the Alt-1 shield. I am yet to find a map that acknowledges its existance, presumably because of its very short length through Hornsby. My educated guess would be that Alt-1 was commissioned around 1973 or 19744 (when State Routes and Freeway Routes were introduced and not long after NAASRA adopted the guidelines for signing National Routes). I believe it would have survived until the F3 opened in March 1989, although perhaps signage was steadily disappearing as was the case with Alt-1 in Wollongong. State Route 83 now traverses the former route of Alt-1.

Photos of Alt-1 at Hornsby
AD sign showing Alt-1 as the current SR83 route through Hornsby (George St & Jersey St North). Thanks to Paul Rands for finding this photo in an old textbook from Model Farms High School! Taken c. 1977.

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