Terminus of Metroad 1, Metroad 7 and State Route 83

Pearces Corner is the meeting of Pacific Highway (State Highway 10) and Pennant Hills Rd (State Highway 13) at Wahroonga, in Sydney's northern suburbs. Historically, it has always been a route terminus with Ring Road 5 (1964-1974), State Route 55 (1974-1988) and State Route 77 (1988-1993) all having terminated at this intersection. Today, this intersection is the northern extremity of the Sydney Metroads system and is duly the northern terminus of both Metroad 1 and Metroad 7. Also, since the opening of the F3 Freeway between Berowra and Wahroonga, State Route 83 has its southern terminus here.

Photos of Pearces Corner
SR83 (Pacific Hwy) southbound AD sign. Photo taken July 2004.
SR83 southern terminus is at this point. Left is Metroad 1, straight is Metroad 7. Photo taken July 2004.
Pennant Hills Rd ID sign marking the northern start of Metroad 7. Photo taken July 2004.
Pennant Hills Rd southbound from Pearces Corner. Photo taken July 2004.
Pacific Hwy (Metroad 1) eastbound AD sign. Photo taken July 2004.
Pacific Hwy eastbound in 1993. This is the northern terminus of Metroad 1.
Approaching Pearces Corner from the east on Metroad 1 in 1993.
END Metroad 7 sign and AD sign northbound on Pennant Hills Rd. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound Pennant Hills Rd in 1993. No END Met 7 sign!
ID signs facing northbound traffic. Photo taken July 2004.
Pearces Corner sign on the north-east corner of the intersection. Photo taken July 2004.
First RD sign northbound on SR83. Photo taken July 2004.

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